Faculty and Staff
Attended 50th Reunion
- Barbara Andrews Landreth English

- Tom Fletcher Science
- R.S. Pafford Civics, History
- Carolyn Barber English
- Willie D. Gunn Physical Science
- Ann G. Parrott Bookkeeping, Economics
- Joyce Barber Mathematics
- Ray Hardman Mathematics
- Kathleen Pilcher French, Spanish
- Jane Barron English
- Fay Hardy Home Economics

- Richard Pitts Chemistry, Physics
- Maxwell Bass History, Physical Education

- Charles Harris Social Sciences
- Dan PrichettCoach

- Allyn Bell Guidance Counselor

- Marjorie Hatchett Speech, English, Psychology
- John Ritch Band Director

- Jerry Boren Industrial Arts
- Sara T. Haynes Typing, General Business
- Sarah Robertson Algebra, General Math
- Sally Bowen Latin
- Nancy Hobbs Typing, Business Math, Physical Education
- Gail N. Royal English

- Ellis Camp Physical Science
- Virginia Key English
- Louise Rumble Algebra, Geometry
- Maryella Camp English
- Parkie Lee Substitute Teacher
- Mary Louise Sanders Algebra
- Joel Chandler Guidance Counselor
- Mrs. Luckie Dietitian
- Aline Shannon Librarian
- Candace Colquitt English
- Melinda Martin Mansour Commercial

- Harold Sheets Typing, General Business, Business Math
- Jo Ann Crow Home Economics
- Phil Martin Science
- Frances Shirley Dietitian
- Genevieve Davis Curriculum Director
- Sara Allen Mathews Spanish
- Evelyn Singleton Commercial
- Laelius Davis Commercial
- Jennie Maxwell Mathematics
- Sara Jane Skinner English, General Math, Journalism

- Somers Dean History, Physical Education
- Lillian McDonald History, Government
- Richard Smith English
- Thelma Duncan Dietitian
- Carrie Mae McElroy Visiting Teacher
- Geraldine Welch English

- Judson Dye Mathematics
- Mary Jane Miles Chorus
- Don Whitlock Social Sciences
- Beverly Edwards Home Economics
- Bobbie Noah Biology
- Amelia Woodroof Adams English

- Dudley Eubanks History, Physical Education
- James Norris Algebra, General Math
- James Worley Vocational
- Marie Evans Librarian
- Joyce Norris Biology, Physical Science
- O.P. Evans Principal, Superintendent
- W.H. Drake Superintendent
- Tom P. Hutchenson Principal
- Lavane Leach Secretary
- Connie Ferrell Upshaw Secretary
- Jewel Ann Christian Secretary
Board of Education
- James Beavers 1964-1967
- Ed Cole 1964-1967
- Matt Cole 1964-1965, 1967
- Henry Drake 1967
- Litt Glover 1964
- Raymond Mills 1964-1967
- Dick Neville 1965-1967
- James Owens 1964-1966
- W. E. Shefelton 1964
- Bill Williams 1965-1967